German-Americans tend not to celebrate. 15. ago. Reddit in general isn't a good representation of real life. LA Desi here. India had the oldest complex and well laid civilizations like the Indus river valley. Many Desi families in nice parts of San Bernardino and Riverside counties, which are far out from LA. So I was wondering, if you moved from Canada to the UK, do you think you’ve made the right decision?E1: Need a bit a diversity. Originally from the US but lived in Europe and met British-born, French-born, Dutch-born, etc desis. No, I live in a very diverse city (SF) and feel like white people treat me much better than my black, Hispanic, and East Asian counterparts. Live Tinted Huegard is also a great one which is tinted and meant for SA skin color. : tech (Google / FB) / banking (both sell side and buy side) or big law. )How about racism from other Indians. I would avoid going through the hassle of opening a bank account if I. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John OliverDesis are one of the most insular groups but dating outside of one's race isn't an indication that you are a white worshipper. ago. NY - 1. She would literally tell any Indian immigrant that had a strong accent to go back to India, she was the worst to the guys. If she's the traditional type, this may get her to think about her actions seriously (vs. This caused one of them to start pulling the hair of the other lady and yanking it up and down 💀 the other lady then tried tearing the ladies hijab off 😭. As an actor I think he’s great, and I also like that he’s not the stereotypical ‘hero’ who’s huge and muscular. 20. They see themselves either in smaller linguistic ethnic groups like Punjabi, Bengali etc. When I was in high school, I had the biggest crush on a west indian. Rummel, professor of political science at the University of Hawaii, The genocide and gendercidal atrocities were also perpetrated by lower-ranking officers and ordinary soldiers. q. Yet the English neighbourhoods are all pretty much 99% English with a few English men married to some Eastern European women. Obviously it’s not for people who want to casually date around. But this doesn’t happen. Also, due to the makeup of this, some types. The job opportunities, the countryside, and the weather probably makes it one of the nicest places on the planet ABCdesi or not. ago. United States (1915), United States v. My best friend in high school was or is like that (we aren’t friends anymore). Start a new life somewhere else, change my accent, and become a new person. TIA. To help demonstrate to our kids the importance of our community, and show them you can be extremely successful in America while staying true to your culture. r/ABCDesis: ABCDesis is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora to share their experiences and be a part of the collective global community. This woman is a terrorist and domestic abuser, but the moment she pretends to be religious, idiots fall for her act. There is a subreddit documenting and ridiculing this behavior: r/canconfirmiamindian. There is also a ton of racism against, well, everybody. : tech (Google / FB) / banking (both sell side and buy side) or big law (Skadden etc. The label of Adivasi often confuses a lot of South Asians mostly due to some misconceptions about history. ago. 30. You seek to divide by highlighting the absolute worst of us. The Sanskrit देश (desh), as you mentioned, means country. If you are from or have ancestry from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, or Nepal, I would consider you Desi. I know some people say cops are in general trigger happy but he seemed like a super nice guy. Rural agrarian communities that make up the majority in these regions have long been vegetarian much before mainstream Hinduism as we know today became a thing (you won't find any old Ram or Shiva etc temples in rural regions for example, all their local. White people fake it, take advantage of nepotism, act hard, are greedy and have fragile egos. Its very strange, Leicester has been known as a good example of many communities living peacefully with each other. Because then they actually get a bit of one on one tutoring in the special juniors section. Met a guy on here, we've been texting back and forth a bit and got on a few phone calls and video calls. The Green Revolution in the late 60s led to modern farming methods and adopting wheat as the main grain, which is when wheat production tripled and became more popular. What are examples of subtle racism you have experienced? And let’s not restrict only to ethnicity/race. They’ll hide their own racism and use it against you, like the case of that woman throwing a Karen fit. In addition to racism I have also experienced colourism, casteism and islamophobia from desi ppl. ago. It isn’t just about me or my kids, but my wife. It’s real in the sense that it’s a language family. By the time of independence in 1947, India had suffered various food shortages and famines. But that's of course not true. So, never underestimate the reddit-is-a-shithole factor. Women are lionised as the honour of the home, the community, the race. Im not going going to say which region most of them are from tho cause I don’t want to start shit. You can't assume you'll be happier in an arranged arrangement. 79. White women are so sneaky and gross. The amount of people i witnessed struggling to answer this simple question is hugee. NY's % is higher. ”. Northern, Central, NE Indian gedmatch harappaworld averages by group. I am an NRI and just keep a wad of cash for such payments. 64. The Reddit app and even the desktop version all provide suggested subreddits and posts in your feed. If you are from or have ancestry from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, or Nepal, I would. At least if you’re going to make a reality dating show then add in some drama. "According to R. Seems like a decent guy and I've enjoyed out conversations so far but we don't live in the same city and I'm definitely here for. Women do like a challenge. ago. To add, I’d be working in the finance/banking industry. I feel like desis are too often the pit of the joke and racist undertones are very overlooked when it comes to us. Yeah I get offended because the people who ask it think that melatonin isn't compatible with being American in the US. Desi basically comes from the sanskrit root of "land" or "country" I think, so it's people from 'the land' or "of the country" -- which is usually understood as being the indian subcontinent. Like the old classic saying "two wrongs dong make a right. I feel like i can't take living here anymore. r/ABCDesis: ABCDesis is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora to share their experiences and be a part of the collective global community. I do think the whole parents stereotype is played out especially with her audience being mostly non-desis who just repeat the stereotypes. You can always find them under any racist post writing shit like "I am Indian I agree!" or "Can confirm, I am Indian". Judaism, along with Hinduism, is against proselytization (spreading the religion). There's quite a few desi cops in NY, I guess partly because nyc desis are more working class compared to the suburbs, etc. Kenny_Brahms • 3 yr. There can be a single person or multiple people in a household. Pashto is an Iranian language (like Farsi/Dari) and Pashtuns kind of straddle the Iranic and Indic civilizations. South Asian Americans- A place for members of the South Asian diaspora that includes people who descend from Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Nepal. I've been kinda grappling with this for a while and I can't stop feeling like there's an unbridgeable gap between brown people and white people, with white people literally just being ignorant, hostile, or patronizing towards us. My ex (Keralite) left me because his parents disapproved (I’m not indian). On the other hand, feel free to nod and smile at non creepy FOBs. 20. West Indians are so cool! The mix of culture and shaping of their own identity is extremely fascinating to me. On reddit I see moderators delete comments that are iffy but leave stuff up about Indians. India's relations with Israel has reached greater heights under Netanyahu and Modi. Once she understands the situation, you will probably want to talk to her one on one. People who basically want to expedite the process to get married, as long as the other person is decent looking, is a good person, financially stable, and there is some compatibility, they want will basically set up an engagement quickly. 2. all over TikTok and Reddit (just check out r/LoveIsBlindNetflix and r/FemaleDatingStrategy for some really shitty, offensive, and wildly inaccurate. aj4ever • 6 mo. Because you judge white men as individuals. r/ABCDesis: ABCDesis is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora to share their experiences and be a part of the collective global community. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut. Ask him to talk to her for you. People like you is exactly why our society is so polarized. In India cash is king. Out of a 100 responses, 2-3 are being vaguely shitty and political and yet that's what you choose to focus on. Fine is fine regardless of race. Stigmas come from connotations. Especially when South Asian americans are only 2% of the population. r/ABCDesis: ABCDesis is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora to share their experiences and be a part of the collective global community. I also work with an desi ex cop turned salesman. Definitely depends. 10. Majority of desi are in the Sugar Land / Richmond / Katy area, then you have the area around West Bellfort (around Agas and Savoy restaurant area), Hwy 6. honeyberry321 • 6 mo. there was a kind of bigggg line (pretty much the story of anyone going out in toronto lol). Celebrity. 5. This is in terms of. 2. It’s ironic that a lot of Brown women will talk about how “our men” supposedly hate us but then proceed to constantly stereotype Brown men as toxic, ugly, hairy, dirty, misogynistic, etc. Russell Peters is really talented no doubt, and I think he has a uniquely good ability to mimic languages, accents, etc - even given that this style of comedy is a bit played out. But the problem here isn't religion. Recently I’ve noticed that I feel kinda disconnected from my culture sometimes. Apparently these two (GROWN) ladies sat at the same table and they used to be enemies though now live in separate cities. Approach with your headphones one, take headphones off, ask them if they're still using the bench, put headphones back on after the response. or in terms of nationality like Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi etc. I have family roots in Rajasthan and Punjab (both bordering Pakistan) and what you said is not true. Fun fact, he is married to Joanna Nash, MVP Steve Nash`s sister. Financial Help. The algorithm must feed posts like that to users based in India. ABCDesis is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora to share their experiences and be a part of… It does seem that desi women having a ~10% preference more for white people than desi men (regarding attractiveness/hookups). Me and a few of us who married in were talking, and we're thinking of making a couples group of people within our community. There is a difference between male and female energy-- they are taught to be complementary forces in the world when in union creation occurs. There is a power imbalance there. Many Arab Americans are white. No, I live in a very diverse city (SF) and feel like white people treat me much better than my black, Hispanic, and East Asian counterparts. [deleted] • 9 mo. maharashtra/mumbai is requiring a 14 day home quarantine, but UP is only requesting that you show a recent negative test. 73K subscribers in the ABCDesis community. I’m not a Bollywood expert or anything but I thought he is very skilled as an actor, and I liked him in everything I saw him in. co as an alternative to Reddit as Voat does not censor political content. In fact it is a trend I've noticed in the whole CANZUK sphere. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John OliverThe average median household income of Bangladeshi Americans is $47,252 via 2016 census, which is only $400 above the average household income of Latino and Hispanic Americans ($46,882). Rahikeru • 3 yr. For the most part I do agree with you that desi men aren’t fetishized but I don’t think desi men are purely feminized either like Asian men are. ABCDesis is a place for members of the South Asian diaspora to share their…Racism is when a person views his or her own respective race to be superior towards every other race or one in particular. No preference was the majority (moreso for men), but desi women do prefer white more than desi men by this metric, which seems to line up. Some often rely on faulty explanations (colonial conspiracy, Aryan migration etc. ) to explain it but this is wrong. 110 votes, 216 comments. Accents can absolutely be funny, sexy or sound uneducated - the reality of that is abundantly clear when you catch yourself laughing or reacting to them in some way, often it's a positive reaction. I mean it’s the white streets that other groups don’t go to for fear of being hit by chavs. The biggest downside among things you've listed is that the outdoor activities don't quite reach the bar set by other places—it's mostly rolling hills with occasional rivers and small lakes, which is great for local food, getting around easily, and keeping the economy humming, but not so great for spectacular outdoor adventures. Scroll through Reddit and you'll find posts saying how desi women will have a bad experience with one desi guy and now assume all desi guys are like that. Don’t get me wrong, my family regularly watches Hindi dramas, bollywood, we listen to desi music, ect. I’m in India currently, i flew over end of October. I'm Kashmiri. My dentist’s family are Jandians and there was one Chindian in one my classes in high school. I go a lot so I have a lot of photos of my travels up on my insta / etc, and I've had coworkers ask me detailed questions and display a lot of curiousity and interest. The only thing is that rabbis will only accept people that are serious about the religion, so the process isn't merely saying a few words, but a long period of study of Judaism and Jewish texts. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. I get a lot more attention from guys now than I did before and I think that causes a positive cycle wherein I become more confident in myself, thereby becoming more attractive to the opposite sex, which fuels my confidence even more, etc. The Great Bengal famine was his creation where close to 5 million Bengalis died but this incident is almost rugged under the carpet when his name comes up in any conversation. After a lot of that, somehow they parted ways without anything tragic happening. He told me that he mentioned me and our relationship to all the girls he talked to on matrimonial app. So many people being so quick to label brown guys as uneducated bobs n vagene chasers is kind of. Reddit Content Policy rules include (but are not limited to): no spamming or ban evasion; no revealing personal or confidential information; no sexual or suggestive content involving minors; and no linking or sharing of illegal content. The people I know in real life who did this are doing pretty well now. Many ppl in my experience will consider me white until I do something they can attribute to being indian instead of hard work in order to devalue me. her child bringing something up, which may be initially dismissed). The 'dravidian' language family is associated with the south, such as: Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Afghanistan and Bhutan are gray areas. Another person who makes an active attempt to never engage with their relatives, religion, or culture because “they/it suck” I would call whitewashed. If you want to find those women, you first have to cook theplas and dhoklas and leave them at strategically placed street corners. I imagine it would probably be the same as in India. I have experienced racism from other south Asians. Love Hasan Minhaj and what he is doing. [deleted] • 3 yr. e. South Asian Americans- A place for members of the South Asian diaspora that. About 3 years ago went to his show at a HUGE arena that was packed and paid for decent seats ($150+) and it was the worst. If you make nice money, USA is still a great place to be in. What is actually bad is,for example, Priyanka's first big role was pretty much a sex doll for a white guy. I heard that Bay Area schools (especially in Cupertino) are very academically intense. 6. This seems like it should be a big issue leading to wage stagnation and inflow of low skilled. It's the internet, there's going to be a lot of exaggeration. MA - 1. Italians and Irish tend to be proud of their heritage. My mom's rented to south koreans and they made the house smell like food too - I'm pretty sure any ethnicity except white people does this, because it's a direct consequence of having your cuisine's flavour rely on anything other than exorbitant amounts of butter/cream.